Ray of Light - The brilliant life of Raymond Philip Ferragamo III

Trust Without Borders Mission Team at My Little Lambs Orphanage July 2017
We seek to bring a ray of light to each person we meet that they may see the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, in and through us. Ray Ray Ferragamo exemplified just that to the kids and adults we served and served with in the several ministries we were blessed to be partners together with.
Ray Ray was a light to all who met him. Whether home in New England or away at school, on mission or in rehab, people loved and were loved by Ray. His smile and style were infectious. His struggles were evident but through them all,` he loved to bring laughter and love to all those God connected him with.
In his student years, Ray was an accomplished scholar, athlete and friend. As he progressed into adulthood, Ray worked as a painter, taking great pride in his craft. Ray was a creative fashion and style talent and super passionate about helping people. He reached out and helped many others with their own struggles with addiction and was deeply committed to improving the lives of the people of Honduras, particularly orphans, through mission work with his church.
Ray will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his family & friends including his church family at Just Church and Rock Church and of course his Honduran Friends he loved so selflessly.
In Ray Ray’s memory, donations may be made to Trust Without Borders, the nonprofit charity Ray Ray co-founded with his other mission team members, devoted to sharing the love of Christ with the people of Honduras and beyond by clicking Donate below:
Please click on the videos here to get to know Ray and his passions: